Do You Fall In and Out of Love with Abandon

How long does it take you to fall in love? A recent research study suggested that we could fall in love in eight minutes. Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University says, "I think that you can fall in love with somebody in much less than eight minutes of conversation, but eight minutes will do. I think we are an animal that was built for love at first sight." Some personality types adore the "new love-chemistry high" and they fall in and out of love with happy abandon. Are you enamored with (addicted to) the experience? Hey, I am not criticizing-I think it is a fascinating hobby. However, if that is the case, you (and your partners) need to be aware that it is a hobby.

Since we are not perfect creatures, we were given a chemical to mask our new love interest's faults. Researcher Dr. Robert Friar assures us this is true: "Falling in love involves Phenylethylamine, or PEA, which causes a person to be less likely to be aware of the faults of the other person." Ask yourself, would you fall in love with someone who throws his underwear on the floor if you were not highly inebriated by amour? Serotonin and dopamine, two mood neurochemicals, create much of the decidedly pleasurable love intoxication that overwhelms us. Do people who fall in love rapidly and habitually have more of the "love" neurochemicals? We really don't know.

Falling in love is one of the most spectacular and utterly magnificent experiences that can befall a mere human. The symptoms are similar to some psychological disorders. One study indicated that subjects who had recently fallen in love had more in common (chemically) with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) subjects than subjects without OCD. Thus, our world is turned upside down and we are perfectly happy not knowing what we are doing, where we are, or even who we are. Other people cease to exist as far as Romeo and Juliet are concerned. We walk around with the silliest grin on our face, completely unaware it is there. Schoolwork suffers, careers suffer, and we couldn't care less. Life is good, the world is filled with bliss and we are in LOVE. Do you find that you say, "This is the real thing" frequently? Do your friends yawn because they have heard that before? Are you in love with love?

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