Are You a 10 in Sensuality

People of the Hindu religion believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation simply means being born, dying and being reborn in another body. According to believers, one goes through this cycle numerous times until one has earned "moksha," or freedom from the birth/death cycle. We build karma in each life and come back to face the consequences of our good or bad actions in our previous life or lives.

The mere fact that you are reading this means you are a human being. This is a very good thing, because the Hindu religion considers humans the highest life form. Obviously, they have not met any professional wrestlers. I digress. You have done some very positive things in your former lives or you would not have been rewarded with Homo sapien status. I think I like this religion. I am a winner from the very beginning, purely because I chose to belong to the appropriate species. Unfortunately, it is not quite that easy.

We earn our rewards and punishments according to how we live our lives. Karma can be positive or negative; this is decided by our deeds and our thoughts. Regrettably, for 12 years I have been telling clients, "thinking is not doing." Sorry! The word "karma" comes from the Sanskrit verb kri, to do. As the Christian bible tells us, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

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