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MALACHI90 is Looking for an activity partner/friend.
MALACHI90, Woman, 21
Looks: Above average
Body: Toned, I keep fit

Dr feel gudd

MALACHI90 Lives in Austin
Looking for an activity partner/friend

MARIA2007 is Looking for an activity partner/friend.
MARIA2007, Woman, 19
Looks: Above average
Body: Curvy, baby, I'm curvy!

Looking for some one to have fun talking to.

MARIA2007 Lives in Austin
Looking for an activity partner/friend

MARILYN0326 is Looking for hookups.
MARILYN0326, Woman, 32
Looks: Very good looks
Body: Smokin' Hot

I am a very compassionate and caring person. I’m young at heart and know how to have a great time, when the time is right of course. I have a great personality and amazing sense of humor.

MARILYN0326 Lives in Austin
Looking for hookups

MIKRI is Looking for hookups.
MIKRI, Woman, 29
Body: Normal

Hot married couple looking for guy, girl, or couple to play with

MIKRI Lives in Austin
Looking for hookups

MINNEYMOUSE is Looking for a fun relationship.
Looks: Very good looks
Body: Normal

i like to have a good time

MINNEYMOUSE Lives in Austin
Looking for a fun relationship

MISTRESSVI is Looking for a date or meet-ups.
Looks: Above average
Body: Curvy, baby, I'm curvy!

I entertain

MISTRESSVI Lives in Austin
Looking for a date or meet-ups

MJMF is Here to meet & hang out.
MJMF, Woman, 30
Looks: Above average
Body: I'm on fire baby!

Gods looking and funn

MJMF Lives in Austin
Here to meet & hang out

MOCHA31 is Looking for a date or meet-ups.
MOCHA31, Woman, 44
Looks: Very good looks
Body: Proportionate

I am looking for good friends and more.

MOCHA31 Lives in Austin
Looking for a date or meet-ups

MSBIFEM is Looking for an activity partner/friend.
MSBIFEM, Woman, 18
Looks: Very good looks
Body: Large but shapely

just dinner and/or movie

MSBIFEM Lives in Austin
Looking for an activity partner/friend

NUBIAN is Looking for hookups.
NUBIAN, Woman, 23
Looks: Model type looks
Body: I'm on fire baby!

New to to area Sweet and clean I’m a memorable experience

NUBIAN Lives in Austin
Looking for hookups

OLIVIARG is Looking for a fun relationship.
OLIVIARG, Woman, 49
Looks: Above average
Body: Kinda skinny

For my solesole mate i enjoy music /out to eat/traving

OLIVIARG Lives in Austin
Looking for a fun relationship

ONEHOTCHICK is Looking for a date or meet-ups.
Looks: Very good
Body: Proportionate

ONEHOTCHICK Lives in Austin
Looking for a date or meet-ups

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